The Ark of Praise
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Our staff at The Ark of Praise
We are here to "Serve You!"
Pastor Gary & Danette Jennings
Their motto is: 
"We're Here to Serve"
Marquita has been married to Jerry Johnson since May of 2004.  They have no children, just a precious Yorkie!  They started attending church at The Ark the latter part of 2007. In 2008, she volunteered to do the Christmas shopping for The Father's House and has been doing that every year since.  She came to work for The Ark in January 2009 and started the Food Pantry that same year.  She and her husband also help out in the Nursery and Children's Church every month.
Marquita Johnson
Administrative Assistant
Serving is exactly what Pastor Gary & Danette do every day, not only at the church but, The Father's House for Men & Women, with life controlling problems as well. They have dedicated their lives to help lost and hurting people find the Savior, Jesus Christ. Their purpose is to point to Jesus who is the one that can meet all our needs. This is done through the preaching of the Word of God on Sunday mornings and evening and through small group Bible studies on Wednesdays. Children's church is to raise our next generation to know and love the Lord.